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Live Face Mask Detection Project in Machine Learning

Live Face Mask Detection Project in Machine Learning
₹1,499.00Write a review
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Face Mask Detection web applicaion built with Flask, Keras-TensorFlow, OpenCV. It can be used to detect face masks both in images and in real-time video.
The goal is to create a masks detection system, able to recognize face masks both in images, both in real-time video, drawing bounding box around faces. In order to do so, I finetuned MobilenetV2 pretrained on Imagenet, in conjunction with the OpenCV face detection algorithm: that allows me to turn a classifier model into an object detection system.
- Keras/Tensorflow
- OpenCV
- Flask
- MobilenetV2
You have to install the required packages, you can do it:
- via pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
- or via conda
conda env create -f environment.yml
Once you installed all the required packages you can type in the command line from the root folder:
python app.py
and click on the link that the you will see on the prompt.
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