Online Blood Bank Project in PHP MYSQL
Online Blood Donors Management System (OBDMS) is a browser based system that is designed to store, process, retrieve and analyze information concerned with the administrative and inventory management within a blood bank. This project aims at maintaining all the information pertaining to blood donors, different blood groups available in each blood bank and help them manage in a better way.
Features :-
- Helps Blood Banks to automate blood doner and depository online.
- Encourages blood donors to donate.
- Helps people find blood donors in times of need.
Admin Features :-
- Register, Delete, Edit Organization ,
- Register, Delete, Edit User.
- Register, Delete, Edit Member.
- Analysis.
- Control Over System.
Organization, User Features :-
- Online Register.
- Edit Profile.
- Online Find Blood.
- Location wise Search.
Features :-
- Helps Blood Banks to automate blood doner and depository online.
- Encourages blood donors to donate.
- Helps people find blood donors in times of need.
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