online job portal in php

online job portal in php
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Online Job Portal in PHP Free Download. Online Job Portal Project Source code Free Download Source code , database and Documents from Phptpoint
Job portal is developed for creating an interactive job vacancy Portal for candidates.
This web application is to be conceived in its current form as a dynamic site-requiring constant updates both from the seekers as well as the companies.
The objective of the project is to enable jobseekers to place their resumes and find appropriate jobs while companies to publish their vacancies and find good candidates.
It enables jobseekers to post their resume, search for jobs, view personal job listings.
It will provide various companies to place their vacancy profile on the site and also have an option to search candidate resumes.
Apart from job-seekers and Companies(Job Provider) there will be an admin module to manage complete Portal as well as jobseeker and companies.
Online Jop Portal Features
- Administrator
- Job Seeker
- Job Provider
- Job Search
System Users
- Administrator
- Job Seeker
- Job Provider
Administrator can manage whole website:
- Manage complete jobseeker section. Like: activate/deactivate/delete/ edit jobseeker’s information.
- Admin user can view the jobseeker’s applications for each job.
- Manage complete employer section. Admin user can activate/deactivate/delete/ edit company information.
- Manage posted jobs. Like: activate/deactivate/delete/edit posted job.
- Manage whole website content. Dynamic CMS is included to manage the content of the website.
- Admin user can send message to any jobseeker or job provider.
- Admin user can send bulk emails as well.
- Admin user can manage the skills section. Like: Add or remove skills from the website.
- Manage newsletters section
- Manage success stories
- Admin user can manage and handle the prohibited words for whole website.
- Admin user can add/edit countries, cities, salaries range, qualification, institutes, job industries, website ads.
After registration job provider can perform following action:
- Add / Edit company’s profile
- Post new job vacancies
- Edit / Deactivate posted jobs
- Job provider can see the list of jobseekers who has applied for the job
- Job provider can search jobseekers
- Job provider can see and download the jobseeker’s resume
- Job provider can send message to any job seeker
After registration job seeker can perform following actions:
- Search for jobs
- Apply Online for desire job
- Add/Edit profile information including qualification, experience, and skills.
- Build his resume by using CV builder functionality of the website.
- Upload latest resume.
From main website, user can perform following actions:
- Search jobs on the basis of skills, city, country or job title
- Register as a jobseeker or as a job provider
- Login to jobseeker or job provider portal
- About Us
- Contact us
- Recent Jobs
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