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Employee Leave Management Spring Boot Mysql Angular Project with Source Code

Employee Leave Management Spring Boot Mysql Angular Project with Source Code
₹1,499.00Write a review
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Employee Leave Management Spring Boot Mysql Angular Project with Source Code . A fully functional project based on Employee Leave Management System which uses Spring Boot Angular. Following Spring Boot Angular project contains all the essential features which can be in use for the final-year IT students for their college projects. It has a number of features that will allow users to manage online employee leaves. This system as well as the web application’s concept is all clear. It’s the same as real-life scenarios and well-implemented on it. To download free Employee Leave Management system project in Spring Boot Angular with source code files .
Online Employee leave request submission and approval.
Manual process:
- Employee must fill up leave form before taking any leave.
- Leave form consists of leave_type, no of days, date_from, date_to and leave reason.
- Request must be reviewed and signed by supervisor.
- Employee gets to know about request approval and if denial with reason.
- Admin will register employee into the system.
- Employee logins.
- Employee should be able to create Leave request.
- Supervisor should able to view leave request.
- Supervisor should be able to approve or deny request.
- Employee should be able view request status.
SPECIFICATIONS- Backend: Spring Boot 2.0
- Frontend: Angular 6
- Tools: ( IDE ->Netbean 8.2 , JDK8, Mariadb, MySQL Workbench )
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