Fake Product Review Detection using Machine Learning

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Fake Product Review Detection using Machine Learning
Fake Product Review Detection using Machine Learning

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[youtube video=”https://youtu.be/MXOpPNM1xvk” autohide=”2″ autoplay=”1″ color=”red” controls=”1″ allowfullscreen=”1″ iv_load_policy=”1″ loop=”1″ theme=”dark” quality=”default” ratio=”default” button_channel=”UCFMkpvtYjSAPXUPjImQK7bg” button_layout=”default” button_theme=”default” button_subscriber_count=”default”]

Installing and running this app:

  1. Requirements: Use pip install/conda install to download following packages
  • Numpy, pandas
  • sklearn
  • spacy
  • Django 2.1
  • pickle
  • tqdm
  1. running the app:
  • Go to folder containing manage.py and run command: python manage.py runserver
  • Once the server starts, open browser. The app runs on
  • fake_reviews.txt and real_reviews.txt contains some reviews that can be used to test the working of model.