Hospital Management System PHP Project Report

Project Title: Hospital Management System
I. Introduction
The Hospital Management System is a comprehensive web-based application developed using PHP and MySQL. Its primary goal is to streamline and optimize hospital operations, including patient management, appointment scheduling, staff administration, and inventory control.
II. Objectives
Develop an efficient and user-friendly system for hospital administration.
Implement secure user authentication and authorization.
Provide functionalities for patient registration, appointment scheduling, and staff management.
Integrate inventory management for medical supplies and equipment.
Ensure data privacy and security in compliance with healthcare standards.
III. Technologies Used
PHP (Backend scripting language)
MySQL (Relational database)
HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Frontend)
Bootstrap (Frontend framework)
User authentication and authorization (PHP sessions)
IV. Features
Patient Management:

Allow hospital staff to register new patients, manage patient records, and update medical histories.
Appointment Scheduling:

Implement a system for patients to schedule appointments online.
Provide notifications for appointment reminders.
Staff Administration:

Manage hospital staff details, including doctors, nurses, and administrative personnel.
Assign roles and responsibilities to staff members.
Inventory Management:

Keep track of medical supplies, equipment, and medications.
Generate alerts for low stock levels and manage replenishment orders.
V. Project Structure
index.php: Main script for handling user authentication and displaying the dashboard.
patient.php: Script for patient management.
appointment.php: Script for appointment scheduling.
staff.php: Script for staff administration.
inventory.php: Script for inventory management.
db.php: Script for establishing database connections.
VI. User Interface Design
Overview of recent appointments, patient registrations, and inventory status.
Navigation for different sections (patients, appointments, staff, inventory).
VII. Database Design
Table: patients
Columns: patient_id (Primary Key), name, contact, dob, medical_history, etc.
Table: appointments
Columns: appointment_id (Primary Key), patient_id (Foreign Key), doctor_id (Foreign Key), appointment_date, status, etc.
Table: staff
Columns: staff_id (Primary Key), name, role, contact, etc.
Table: inventory
Columns: item_id (Primary Key), item_name, quantity, unit_price, expiry_date, etc.
Summary of the Hospital Management System project.
Reflection on the development process, challenges faced, and lessons learned.
IX. Future Enhancements
Ideas for additional features or improvements for the system.
Consideration for integrating a billing and payment module.
X. References
Any external libraries, frameworks, or resources used during the development.