Payroll Management System using NodeJs, Express, Mongoose Project with Source Code

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Payroll Management System using NodeJs, Express, Mongoose Project with Source Code
Payroll Management System using NodeJs, Express, Mongoose Project with Source Code

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Payroll Management System Project in Mongodb Node.js with Source Code . This system is meant to supply the power to line up all the tasks of employee payment. At first, the user has got to undergo login system to urge access, then the user can add, list, update and take away the employee’s record. This system deals with the financial aspects of employee’s Salary, Deductions, allowances, Net pay. The user can view the account of each and every employee’s and update their payments, and the user can also manage deductions, modify overtime and salary rate. Each and every detail about employee’s payment is displayed which includes: Name with deduction, overtime, bonus and net pay. This system makes easier to the user for managing payroll system as it is not time-consuming. This project is not difficult to operate and understood by the users.

Features Payroll Management System Project

  1. Login System
  2. Add, Edit, Remove, View Employees record
  3. Manage Department
  4. Employee Personal Details
  5. Employee Company Details
  6. Add Payslip
  7. Mange Payslip
  8. PDF Format Payslip Generate
  9. Settings
  10. Manage Bonus and Deductions
  11. List Income
  12. Manage Over Time and Salary Rates

Technology Used:-

  1. NodeJs,
  2. Express, EJS ,
  3. Mongoose,
  4. Pdfmake.

Installation : – 

  1.  open folder in Visual Studio Code.
  2. Run “npm install” in terminal of VS code.
  3. Run “node index.js” in VS code.
  4. After server started running goto browser.
  5. type http://localhost:8000/ in search bar.
  6. Admin :- username : “admin”, password : “admin”